The term self-actualization was first of all devised by Kurt Goldenstien (1934) and then it was advanced by Maslow in his work on motivational theories and is a progressive mental concept. Self-actualization rests on the top of the Maslow’s pyramid of “hierarchy of needs” (1943) and can be defined as “that a person judging his/her abilities and potential and performing the best which is based on personal inner potentials (Itai Ivtzan,).”
An organization depends on the innovative work behavior of employees for financial development and is an attribute which organizations always want in their employees. Self-actualization is one of the globally accepted personality attributes, through the help of which a person can enhance his/her performance to a specific level and a high level of self-actualization keeps the employee motivated until he or she achieve the set objectives.
Self-actualized personalities have higher levels of belief in their ability to develop innovative goods, methods and hence work as an innovative worker. Self-actualization is a concept that defines the assurance of one’s own belief in his/her skills and attributes and is defined as “The belief in one’s capabilities to perform a particular behavior and successfully execute certain actions to attain goals.” (Rachna Kumar et al).
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Nathan Dumlao |
Career Counseling:
Ever since the year 2000 the definition and scope of Counseling has changed to a broader concept and is defined as “A systematic helping process based on the principle of psychology used by the professional counselor to help clients in handling their development, challenges in modern living and mental disorders”(See Ching Mey et al, 2009). Career Counseling help employees in manipulating their potencies and capacities and help in eluding disparities among individual skills, goals and over all organizational prospects (Robert C. Merchant, Jr).
While Career Counseling is based on those people who are seeking occupational, educational or career guidance by a counselor who help in making clear objectives and goals for themselves as quantified by See Ching Mey et al, 2009, “Career counseling deal with people who are seeking, vocational, academic and career advice. The counselors help evaluate students' abilities, aptitude, interests and personalities to develop realistic academic, vocational and career goals”.
Career counseling help in understanding one’s own potential and abilities and in recognizing the future opportunities of career (Sohail Ahmed et al, 2014). Now a days employees can not solely rely on employers for their career growth and development i.e. the responsibility of career relies on the person on job, and ever changing environment thus compels an individual for a prolonged career counseling for survival as narrated by Anneleen Forrier et al, “They emphasize that careers become less predictable and that individuals can no longer fully rely on their employer to offer them a career.
The person, and no longer the organization, is in charge of the career. This changing career context provides new challenges to career counseling. Several journalists agree that lifelong access to career counseling becomes a necessity.”
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Pic Credit Jess Bailey |
The innovation brought about by employees is directly linked to the overall organizational innovativeness; employees show innovative work behavior because either it is part of their job or prompt to intentional innovative work behavior (Nadin Dorner, 2102). The creation and production of fresh ideas and their application is said to be innovation and generation of a valuable idea is the first stage of innovation (Sussane G. Scott et al, 1994), thus a complex behavior involving actions linked to the generation of fresh concepts and the comprehension and solicitation of these new concepts is said to be innovative work behavior (Richard A. Wooodman, 2010).
Need of the Hour: Better Human Resource Management Practices in Project Based Organizations
Human resource practices like training, development and performance appraisals can induce motivation in employees which give a competitive advantage to project management by increasing the project performance, so for a project management to be successful its necessary to have a skilled and well qualified workforce which will contribute in the betterment of processes and systems of the project during its life-cycle and as a result uplifting the whole project performance. In history project management has ignored the importance of human resource which resulted in unskilled ineffective workforce which influences the project management and the project performance negatively. That is why in modern day’s dynamic project settings it is need of the hour to have better project management practices in place for efficient operation of the project based organizations.
One of the vital factors in satisfaction of costumers and their retention is quality. If you want to keep your costumers loyal to you, quality is the answer for that. One should maintain quality because quality is significant in long run for the organizations i.e. contributing via increase in revenue and profitability. However, the questions here is what really quality itself is?
Definitions of Quality:
Joseph Juran & Frank Gryna:
"Quality is fitness for use."
Robert Peach, The ISO 9000 Handbook;
"The totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs."
Armand Feigenbaum:
"Quality is a customer determination based upon a customer's actual experience with a product or service, measured against his or her requirements -stated or unstated, conscious or merely sensed, technically operational or entirely subjective -and always representing a moving target in a competitive market."
American Society for Quality: (ASQ)
"Quality denotes an excellence in goods and services, especially to the degree they conform to requirements and satisfy customers."
Peter Senge et al, The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook:
"Quality is a transformation in the way we think and work together, in what we value and reward, and in the way we measure success. All of us collaborate to design and operate a seamless value-adding system that incorporates quality control, customer service, process improvement, supplier relationships, and good relations with the communities we serve and in which we operate - all optimizing for a common purpose."
Dave's Definition of Quality:
"Quality is a really, really boring definition that has no real meaning to most humans on this planet unless you are a millionaire consultant writing a new book or a quality coordinator applying for some "Quality" award or certification so you can quit and become a millionaire consultant who writes books and produces infomercials from his private island in the Caribbean."
Ishikawa’s Definition of Quality:
“Narrowly interpreted quality means quality of product while broadly interpreted quality means quality of work, service, processes etc”
Whenever we ask from someone about how is life going on? They always answer in a way that one may feel that there is something missing in their lives and they are not happy. But the question still remains whyyy? Whenever we say that we are unhappy, at the very same instant we also refute all the blessings of Allah bestowed upon us. By saying that dont we forget that we are still alive to br asked that question, where lots of people everyday loose their lives in the arms of terror and cruelty, Isnt it not enough that we are living an independent life where we have the greatest liberty of independence. Why we forget that how hard and difficult the situation may be it is ought to pass one day and there may be millions of people who desire for living the way we live and desire for the liberties we have. Every bad time has to pass and also good time is not forever which means that Life ask us to be ready for every situation without making lame excuses. Thats why we must always be thankful to what we have in our lives and be patient for what we desire, because may be it will take time but one day may be all our wishes will come true. And in process we must oblige all that has been given to us by Allah and be patient, indeed good things come to those who are patient. Unless we are happy with what we have, we cant live a happy life, desires are neverending and life is limited, so celebrate what u have and dont get upset for what is even not there.
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