Major aim of this bog is to create and spread the softer image of our country as we have been faced with problems to be always looked at as fundamentalists in modern times. With the help of creation of authentic knowledge and Information i.e. both related to Pakistan and general to the readers. While another purpose is to create a pool of talented researchers, article writers and writers so that via this platform all of them would be able to disseminate their valuable knowledge to general public with a sense of responsibility for achieving higher standards in knowledge sharing. Thus, in doing all that contributing something to our societies beyond boundaries because knowledge is the basic need of every society for prospering in the modern days dynamic World.
Mujtaba Ahmad,
MS scholar CIIT, Pakistan.
DCMA at IMU KPE&SE, Pakistan.
Publication: Interactive impact of Job demands and Job Stress on Employee Innovative Work Behavior: An Evidence from Non-government Organizations.
Thesis: Impact of Job demands on Employee Innovative Work Behavior: Testing the role of Moderated Mediation.
Project: Project On Child Labor in Context of Gilgit-Baltistan.
Mukhtar Malik,
MS scholar CIIT, Pakistan.